Massage should not be used in the following cases:
- General inflammation (fever),
- Early post-traumatic states (fractures, sprains, tears / rupture muscles or tendons, open wounds, traumatic hemorrhages)
- Early postoperative states,
- Diseases of the skin (boils, egzema, etc.)
- Infectious diseases,
- Cancers,
- Diseases of the abdominal organs (stomach and duodenal ulcers, liver and kidney stones, bowel disease): a contraindication applies to massage the abdomen,
- Pregnancy, menstruation: contraindication applies to massage the abdomen,
- Cardiovascular disease: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, advanced atherosclerosis, inflammation of the lymphatic vessels,
- Massage should not be done immediately after a heavy meal, after intense physical exertion, and after a strong thermal treatment